This window has all the generated cards in it. See them? Gets rid of the dialog box. The bank, if its available. If it says N/A its either an AmEx card or the MacIllegal 1.0® data file can't be found. Card type. The card you just checked? Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box. Enter the card to be checked here. Checks the card. Chooses what type of card the seedless engine generates. Is only available when Seedless is selected. Chooses what type of card the seedless engine generates. Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box. Enter the number of card to generate here. Chooses the Seeded generation engine. Enter the number here. Chooses the Seeded generation engine. Chooses the Seedless generation engine. Chooses what type of card the seedless engine generates. Is only available when Seedless is selected. Chooses what type of card the seedless engine generates. Chooses what type of card the seedless engine generates. Is only available when Seedless is selected. Chooses what type of card the seedless engine generates. Runs the set paramaters to generate cards. MacIllegal 1.0® Credit Card Maker Credits for all the people who worked so hard on this program. Quits the progam? Would save the cards that the program just generated, had you generated cards. Saves the cards that the program just generated. Would close the window with cards in it, had you generated cards. Closes the window with the cards in it. Standerd File menu stuff. Disabled Copies the selected card to the scrapbook. Disabled Disabled Most of these feautres are disabled. If you had payed the $50 fee for the full version, this would allow you to draw cash against the line of credit on a card. Checks a card for validity, and if available gives the bank. Generates cards either with a selected seed or totally seedless. The good stuff…